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The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC) 31 Mar 2016
The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC) The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC) for the first Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 (b/w photo) / The Stapleton Collection
olympic games 1896 athens
The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC) Gallery: 1896 photos from Athens Description: The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC) for the first Olympic Games, Athens, 1896 (b/w photo) / The Stapleton Collection
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Additional Info Created: 31 Mar 2016 Updated: 31 Mar 2016
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You are here: Home Olympic Games Photos from Olymoic Games 1896 photos from Athens The first meeting of the Organising Committee (IOC)